Thursday 7 July 2016

SORAKAYA(bottle guard) GARELU


*This is a new variety of south Indian food commonly this is a different variety of garelu .but it will be very tasty and fabulous
*This recipe is famous in Andhra pradesh and telangana states.
*Its very good food contains a lots of nutrients.
*Commonly some one don't like bottle guard so eat like this.
*I think most of the people like this recipe.

Prepared time   -      15 minutes       Cook time        -   30 minutes            Total time        -45 minutes


  • Rice flour-2 cups
  • Bottle guard(grated)-1 cup
  • Cumin seeds-1 tablespoon
  • Onion-chopped 1
  • Moong dal-50 gm
  • Sesame seeds-50 gm
  • Curry sping-1
  • Coriander-few
  • Salt-1 tablespoon
  • Red chili powder-1 tablespoon
  • Water if necessary
  • Oil-1/2 liter


  • Soak the moong dal for around 2-3 hours or till they are soft grate the squash removing any big seeds 
  • To make sorakaya garelu peel the sorakaya and grate it well and make it as a paste.

  • Take a bowl add 2 cups of rice fiour and add salt,cumin seeds.mix evenly .then add grated sorakaya thurumu(bottle guard grated) add to the  above mixture.then add some onions finely chopped and mix thoroughly
  • Add red chilli  powder mix it properly.add finely chopped coriander ,curry leaves and finely add some water to it.make a thick batter.
  • Add sesame seeds and moong dal .
  • Take a plastic cover to make patties 
  • Keep a kadai on stove pour oil to it for deep frying of sorakaya garelu.keep it on 5 minutes .after oil is heated.take the batter and make them in to small garelu shape.keep it on oil fry it .un till it turns to golden brown color.
  • Garelu will puff up and are soft to eat crispy at the ends.
  • Keep it on low all as like it.after that take a plate keep tissue on it. transfer sorakaya garelu to the plate.tissue absorbs excess amount of oil.then serve to 10-15 sorakaya garelu is ready to eat.very hot and healthy yummy sorakaya garelu is ready.


  1. Ayurveda recommends cooked bottle guard for better digestion and anti-bilious.
  2. It is also supports the urinary system of our body by reducing burning sensation from high acidic urination.prevents the urinary tract infections.
  3. It is very popular for weight loss.especially bottle guard juice
  4. It contains many vitamins and minerals such as calcium,magnesium,phosphorous and vitamin A and C,folate.
  5. It is also reduces high blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy 
  6. It is also recommended for ayurvedic doctors for reducing liver inflammation .maintain liver functioning 
  7. Bottle guard juice with a pinch of sea salt maintains electrolyte balance .
  8. Great remedy for people who has diarrhea
  9. Combat excessive thirst for diabetic patients  .
  10. It is also known to prevent premature graying

  • It is also use for making sorakaya doshalu use the sorakaya grated in to doshala batter it gives variety of taste.
  • sorakaya also used to make bottle guard halwa .grated sorakaya fry in ghee and add sugar syrup and cashew nuts all badam,pista,kismiss,tarbuja seeds halwa is ready.
  • bottle guard chetny is very good to take along with rice.
  • a wide variety's also done with bottle guard 


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